Visit our booth

Gekko will be attending MINExpo 2024 in Las Vegas!
Find us at the Australian Pavilion booth #2921
The Gekko team is prepared to share Gekko’s metallurgical expertise in critical components of modern mining operations such as mineral liberation, pre-concentration, and gravity concentration. Additionally, make sure to ask questions about automating your gold leaching circuit with our recently launched integrated data ground system and other real-time instrumentation such as OLGA and Carbon Scout.

Visit our booth to learn more about:

Automating your gold leaching circuit
Gekko Systems has developed an integrated ground-based system for comprehensive monitoring and automation of CIL/CIP circuits.

Reducing ore mass with pre-concentration
pre-concentration drastically reduces the ore mass that reports to intensive downstream processing. By using gravity to recover mineral-bearing particles into a much smaller volume, significant savings in energy and operational expenses are achieved.

Maximising precious metal recovery with intensive leaching
Gekko’s intensive cyanide leaching flowsheet advances the output of regular cyanide leaching. Combining higher concentrations of gold or silver with high cyanide and high oxygen amounts intensifies the chemical leaching reaction to maximise mineral recoveries.
The following team members will be attending MINExpo:

Nigel Grigg
General Manager Global Sales & Solutions

Diego Mielke
Representative - South America

Ken Roberts
Representative - North America
Request a meeting or ask a question below: